The Boy Who Conquered a Mountain (2021)
The Boy Who Conquered a Mountain (2021)
English | CBR | 83 pages | 167.82 MB

From Book 1: A young boy, Kaleb dreams of death and destruction, to find a day later the village of Little Rock devastated, destroyed by fire. Thrust and spurred on the young fledgling is sent on a quest to discover what happened amidst the heartache, horror of his loved ones in the tragedy. But, disaster is just the beginning as something more terrifying lurks onward...

Solomon's Men - Monks With Guns #1-5 (2022) CompleteSolomon's Men - Monks With Guns #1-5 (2022) Complete
Solomon's Men - Monks With Guns #1-5 (2022) Complete
English | CBR | 5 Issues | of 5

Post Vietnam war, Greg Valdez, ex-force recon turned white-collar thief for hire has finally met his match. As he infiltrates an ancient monastery, he discovers the artifact he's been hired to steal is protected by heavily armed, well-trained monks.

Hindsight #1-5 (2020-2021)Hindsight #1-5 (2020-2021)
Hindsight #1-5 (2020-2021)
English | CBR | 5 Issues

After a violent encounter at the Chicago Coin Convention, awkward scientist Vincent D'Angelo makes a quick, but far, retreat. Really far, all the way back to the end of the nineteenth century! But for a man who has invented a way to travel through time, he will have to race against it to make it to the most important event of his life.

Never Never #1-5 (2020)
Never Never #1-5 (2020)
English | CBR | 5 Issues

Winter is seduced by the boy-sprite, Petros - off to the Never, Never. A place where children never grow up and adults are the enemy. What would such a place look like? Where resources are scarce. Time passes, but age is obsolete. War with adults, starved and insane from constant battle, is the norm. What would age-less boys free of civility and role-models be willing to do to survive. To live Forever. A young girl will face her greatest test; an island full of immortal cannibals with a dark secret that sustains its existence, in the most unnatural and awful of ways.

Whatzit Book 01 (2020)
Whatzit Book 01 (2020)
English | CBR | 83 pages | 98.90 MB

Mundo Diablo (2020)
Mundo Diablo (2020)
English | CBR | 55 pages | 55.30 MB

When the Spanish Conquerors arrived in our continent, they didn't just bring their swords and gunpowder. They also brought their demons and armed angels. The Naguals, powerful sorcerers of the New World, fought against the forces of Saint Michael and the invaders. Those Naguals who hunt angels were called Angeleros and those who hunt demons, Diableros. These are the stories of Elvis Infante, the most famous Diablero of all.

E.V.A (2020)
E.V.A (2020)
English | CBR | 97 pages | 174.04 MB

In the dystopian future, mankind has been forced to move underground. In the capital city of Janis, where the elite live high above the lower class denizens, law officer E.V.A. decides to escape her hellish existence below by sneaking into the upper levels. This act is naturally forbidden, and all hell breaks loose when her own forces are sent to hunt her down.

The Red 001 (2020)
The Red 001 (2020)
English | CBR | 43 pages | 34.24 MB

In the distant future, a nuclear world war has changed the course of history forever. A single government entity now presides over what's left of the world, and prohibits certain content that is deemed emotionally dangerous, or "red", in attempt to maintain order and keep society working. A collection of gifted musicians, who possess the rare ability to create red content, discover they are the key to overthrowing the totalitarian government that has taken their emotional freedoms.

Supernaut #1-5 (2020) CompleteSupernaut #1-5 (2020) Complete
Supernaut #1-5 (2020) Complete
English | CBR | 5 Issues

A 21st Century cosmic hero myth, this is SUPERNAUT! Reality-hopping Thieves join the newly ascended consciousness of Astronaut Stephen Haddon - now known as the Supernaut - pulling trans-dimensional capers across the Macroverse! Strange artifacts on the Moon, meeting God and stealing a map to the land of the dead from a secret pyramid beneath the Pentagon. A mystical, cosmic, sci-fi adventure like no other!

Mortis #1-2 (2020)
Mortis #1-2 (2020)
English | CBR | 2 Issues

A huge storm threatens the military base on Grave Island - while an inexplicable power outage and raging fire hint at the horrific powers that are about to be released there.

The Lost Tales of Lemuria - The Mountains of Moran (2020)
The Lost Tales of Lemuria - The Mountains of Moran (2020)
English | CBR | 52 pages | 72.06 MB

If there is one thing history has taught us, it is the rise and fall of civilizations. Millions of years ago, long before the shift of the continents, Russ, a young boy, goes on a long and difficult journey in search of his heritage. His adventures start in the seas of Sokha but will send him all over the continent once known as Lemuria. In the first story of this series, Russ loses the men who adopted him as an infant, but he gains two new friends, the freed slave LyAnn, as well as the brave warrior Carp, whose blue skin points towards a race unknown by humans. These are the untold tales of Lemuria. Stories about the rise and fall of a long-forgotten empire!

Frankenstein, Texas (2018)
Frankenstein, Texas (2018)
English | CBR | 67 pages | 155.32 MB

What if Mary Shelley's famous gothic novel was a lie? What if Victor Frankenstein paid Captain Walton to announce both he and his creation had perished and vanished in the Arctic? What if instead the pair headed west, across Europe, to Ireland and from there to the new world? To America? Gothic horror and the Wild West collide as the world's most famous monster seeks redemption on the last great frontier...

Nomobots #1-3 (2020)Nomobots #1-3 (2020)
Nomobots #1-3 (2020)
English | CBR | 3 Issues

In the future, humankind works for the coldly sentient robot community creating Emopills for their pleasure. Trippy servant Nomobots Jimmy and his steadfast buddy rescue Emopill scientist Nadia and a stash of the drugs from a deadly punitive police force and go on the lamb - when they're soon beset by a gang of nasty Nazibots... and that's just the beginning of their troubles. Out of the pan, into the fire!

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