DC Comics - Week 264 (September 21, 2016) English | CBR | 15 Issues | 556.07 MB Aquaman #7 Batman #7 Cyborg #1 Doctor Fate #16 Green Arrow #7 Green Lanterns #7 Harley Quinn #4 Justice League #5 Nightwing #5 Raven #1 (of 6) Red Thorn #11 Suicide Squad Most Wanted El Diablo And Boomerang #2 (of 6) Superman #7 Trinity #1 Lucifer #10 Marvel Comics - Week 200 (September 14, 2016) English | CBR | 18 Issues | 727.78 MB A-Force #9 All-New Inhumans #11 All-New X-Men #13 Black Panther #6 Civil War II Amazing Spider-Man #4 (of 4) Civil War II Gods Of War #4 (of 4) Deadpool #18 Gwenpool #6 Marvel Universe Guardians Of The Galaxy #12 Mockingbird #7 Old Man Logan #11 Rocket Raccoon And Groot #9 Scarlet Witch #10 Spider-Man #8 Spider-Man 2099 #15 Star Wars The Force Awakens Adaptation #4 (of 6) Uncanny Avengers #14 Uncanny Inhumans #13 DC Comics - Week 263 (September 14, 2016) English | CBR | 20 Issues | 785.89 MB Action Comics #963 All-Star Batman #2 Batgirl And The Birds Of Prey #2 Dark Knight III The Master Race #1 (of 8) (Directors Cut) Deathstroke #2 Detective Comics #940 Doom Patrol #1 Earth 2 Society #16 Flash #6 Gotham Academy Second Semester #1 Green Lanterns #6 Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #4 New Super-Man #3 Red Hood And The Outlaws #2 Scooby Apocalypse #5 Suicide Squad #2 Superwoman #2 Teen Titans #24 Wonder Woman #6 Astro City #38 Marvel Comics - Week 199 (September 7, 2016) English | CBR | 18 Issues | 727.78 MB A Year of Marvels - September Infinite Comic 001 (2016) All-New All-Different Avengers #14 Civil War II - Ulysses Infinite Comic 005 (2016) Daredevil #11 Deadpool And The Mercs For Money #3 Deadpool - Too Soon Infinite Comic 005 (2016) Doctor Strange #11 Invincible Iron Man #13 Marvel Tsum Tsum #2 (of 4) Marvel Universe Avengers Ultron Revolution #3 (of 4) Marvel's Doctor Strange Prelude Infinite Comic 001 - The Zealot (2016) Max Ride Final Flight #1 (of 5) Moon Knight #6 Silk #12 Spidey #10 Squadron Supreme #11 Star Wars Poe Dameron #6 Uncanny X-Men #12 DC Comics - Week 262 (September 7, 2016) English | CBR | 16 Issues | 591.76 MB Aquaman #6 Batman #6 Batman Beyond #16 Bloodlines #6 (of 6) Cyborg Rebirth #1 Flintstones #3 Green Arrow #6 Harley Quinn #3 Justice League #4 Nightwing #4 Scooby-Doo Where Are You #73 Supergirl #1 Superman #6 Everafter From The Pages Of Fables #1 Sheriff Of Babylon #10 (of 12) Unfollow #11 DC Comics - Week 261 (August 31, 2016) English | CBR | 9 Issues | 669.76 MB DC Comics Bombshells Annual #1 Batman '66 Meets Steed and Mrs Peel 007 (2016) Earth 2 Society Annual #1 Future Quest #4 Gotham Academy Annual #1 Harley Quinn And Her Gang Of Harleys #5 (of 6) Justice League Of America #9 Suicide Squad War Crimes Special #1 Art Ops #11 Marvel Comics - Week 198 (August 31, 2016) English | CBR | 22 Issues | 898.39 MB All-New Wolverine Annual #1 Amazing Spider-Man #17 Astonishing Ant-Man #11 Carnage #11 Civil War II Choosing Sides #5 (of 6) Dark Tower The Drawing Of The Three Bitter Medicine #5 (of 5) Deadpool V Gambit #4 (of 5) Guardians Of The Galaxy #11 Howard The Duck #10 Hyperion #6 Marvel Universe Guardians Of The Galaxy #11 Ms. Marvel #10 Nova #10 Rocket Raccoon And Groot #8 Silver Surfer #6 Spider-Gwen #11 Spider-Man #7 Spider-Man 2099 #14 Star Wars Han Solo #3 (of 5) Thunderbolts #4 Uncanny Avengers #13 X-Men '92 #6 Marvel Comics - Week 197 (August 24, 2016) English | CBR | 18 Issues | 699.80 MB Captain America Steve Rogers #4 Captain Marvel #8 Deadpool #17 Drax #10 Extraordinary X-Men #13 International Iron Man #6 Marvel Universe Ultimate Spider-Man Vs The Sinister Six #2 (of 4) Marvel's Doctor Strange Prelude #2 (of 2) Moon Girl And Devil Dinosaur #10 Mosaic Prelude (2016) New Avengers #15 Nighthawk #4 Patsy Walker A.K.A. Hellcat #9 Star Wars #22 Star Wars The Force Awakens Adaptation #3 (of 6) Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #11 Uncanny Inhumans Annual #1 Venom Space Knight #11 DC Comics - Week 260 (August 24, 2016) English | CBR | 18 Issues | 669.76 MB Action Comics #962 Batgirl #2 Blue Beetle Rebirth #1 Deathstroke #1 Detective Comics #939 Flash #5 Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #3 Harley's Little Black Book #4 Hellblazer #1 Red Thorn #10 Scooby-Doo Where Are You #72 Six-Pack And Dogwelder Hard-Travelin' Heroz #1 (of 6) Teen Titans #23 Titans #2 Wacky Raceland #3 Wonder Woman #5 Clean Room #11 Lucifer #9 Marvel Comics - Week 196 (August 17, 2016) English | CBR | 24 Issues | 966.30 MB A-Force 008(2016) All-New Inhumans #10 All-New Wolverine #11 Black Widow #6 Captain America Sam Wilson #12 Civil War II Amazing Spider-Man #3 (of 4) Civil War II Choosing Sides #4 (of 6) Civil War II Gods Of War #3 (of 4) Civil War II - Ulysses Infinite Comic 004 (2016) Civil War II X-Men #3 (of 4) Contest Of Champions 010(2016) Deadpool - Too Soon Infinite Comic 004 (2016) Fallen #1 Gwenpool #3 Mighty Thor #10 Mockingbird #6 Power Man And Iron Fist #7 Spider-Woman #10 Star Wars Poe Dameron #5 The Totally Awesome Hulk 009(2016) Ultimate Spider-Man Infinite Comic 007 (2016) Ultimates #10 Uncanny Avengers #12 Web Warriors #10 DC Comics - Week 259 (August 17, 2016) English | CBR | 15 Issues | 652.60 MB Aquaman #5 Batgirl And The Birds Of Prey #1 Batman '66 Meets Steed and Mrs Peel 006 (2016) Batman #5 Doctor Fate #15 Green Arrow #5 Green Lanterns #5 Harley Quinn #2 Justice League #3 Legends Of Tomorrow #6 Nightwing #3 Scooby Apocalypse #4 Suicide Squad #1 Supergirl Rebirth #1 Superman #5 DC Comics - Week 258 (August 10, 2016) English | CBR | 13 Issues | 495.35 MB Action Comics #961 All-Star Batman #1 Deathstroke Rebirth #1 Detective Comics #938 Earth 2 Society #15 Flash #4 Flintstones #2 Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #2 New Super-Man #2 Red Hood And The Outlaws #1 Suicide Squad Most Wanted El Diablo And Boomerang #1 (of 6) Superwoman #1 Wonder Woman #4 Marvel Comics - Week 195 (August 10, 2016) English | CBR | 17 Issues | 674.01 MB Accused #1 Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. #8 All-New All-Different Avengers #13 All-New All-Different Avengers Annual #1 All-New X-Men #12 Amazing Spider-Man #16 A Year of Marvels - August Infinite Comic 001 (2016) Black Panther #5 Daredevil #10 Darth Vader #24 Deadpool And The Mercs For Money #2 Empress #5 (of 7) Old Man Logan #10 Scarlet Witch #9 Spider-Man 2099 #13 Spider-Man Deadpool #8 Vision #10 Marvel Comics - Week 194 (August 3, 2016) English | CBR | 17 Issues | 717.62 MB Civil War II Kingpin #2 (of 4) Daredevil Annual #1 Deadpool #16 Deadpool V Gambit #3 (of 5) Deadpool - Too Soon Infinite Comic 003 (2016) Doctor Strange #10 Invincible Iron Man #12 Marvel Tsum Tsum #1 (of 4) Marvel Universe Avengers Ultron Revolution #2 (of 4) Moon Knight #5 Punisher #4 Silk #11 Spidey #9 Squadron Supreme #10 Uncanny Inhumans #12 Uncanny X-Men #11 Vote Loki #3 DC Comics - Week 257 (August 3, 2016) English | CBR | 17 Issues | 589.82 MB Aquaman #4 Batman #4 Batman '66 Meets Steed And Mrs. Peel #2 (of 6) Batman Beyond #15 Bloodlines #5 (of 6) Green Arrow #4 Green Lanterns #4 Harley Quinn #1 Harley Quinn And Her Gang Of Harleys #4 (of 6) Justice League #2 Looney Tunes #232 Nightwing #2 Suicide Squad Rebirth #1 Superman #4 Art Ops #10 Sheriff Of Babylon #9 (of 12) Unfollow #10 Marvel Comics - Week 193 (July 27, 2016) English | CBR | 30 Issues | 1.13 GB All-New All-Different Avengers #12 Amazing Spider-Man #1.6 Black Panther #4 Captain America Steve Rogers #3 Captain Marvel #7 Carnage #10 Civil War II #4 (of 7) Civil War II Choosing Sides #3 (of 6) Civil War II - Ulysses Infinite Comic 003 (2016) Drax #9 Extraordinary X-Men #12 Guidebook To The Marvel Cinematic Universe Marvel's Guardians Of The Galaxy #1 Haunted Mansion #5 (of 5) Howard The Duck #9 Hyperion #5 International Iron Man #5 Marvel Universe Ultimate Spider-Man Vs The Sinister Six #1 (of 4) Mighty Thor #9 Mockingbird #5 Moon Girl And Devil Dinosaur #9 Ms. Marvel #9 New Avengers #14 Old Man Logan #9 Spider-Gwen #10 Star Wars The Force Awakens Adaptation #2 (of 6) Totally Awesome Hulk #9 Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #10 Uncanny Avengers #11 Venom Space Knight #10 X-Men '92 #5 DC Comics - Week 256 (July 27, 2016) English | CBR | 18 Issues | 648.58 MB Action Comics #960 Batgirl #1 Deathstroke #20 Detective Comics #937 Doctor Fate #14 Flash #3 Future Quest #3 Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #1 Harley Quinn #30 Harley Quinn And The Suicide Squad Special Edition #1 Nightwing #1 Red Hood And The Outlaws Rebirth #1 Red Thorn #9 Scooby-Doo Team-Up #17 Teen Titans #22 Titans #1 Wonder Woman #3 Suiciders Kings Of Hell.A. #5 (of 6) Marvel Comics - Week 192 (July 20, 2016) English | CBR | 20 Issues | 888.39 MB A-Force #7 All-New Inhumans #9 All-New Wolverine #10 Astonishing Ant-Man #10 Black Widow #5 Contest Of Champions #10 Darth Vader #23 Deadpool & The Mercs For Money 001 (2016) Deadpool And The Mercs For Money #1 Guardians Of Infinity #8 Nighthawk #3 Nova #9 Patsy Walker A.K.A. Hellcat #8 Spider-Man #6 Spider-Man Deadpool #7 Squadron Supreme #9 Star Wars #21 Thunderbolts #3 Ultimates #9 Uncanny X-Men #10 DC Comics - Week 255 (July 20, 2016) English | CBR | 15 Issues | 647.29 MB Aquaman #3 Batgirl And The Birds Of Prey Rebirth #1 Batman #3 Batman '66 Meets Steed and Mrs Peel 004 (2016) Green Arrow #3 Green Lanterns #3 Hellblazer Rebirth #1 Justice League #1 Legends Of Tomorrow #5 New Suicide Squad #22 Scooby Apocalypse #3 Superman #3 Astro City #37 Clean Room #10 Lucifer #8 Marvel Comics - Week 191 (July 13, 2016) English | CBR | 20 Issues | 970.03 MB Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. #7 All-New X-Men #11 Civil War II #3 (of 7) Civil War II Amazing Spider-Man #2 (of 4) Civil War II Choosing Sides #2 (of 6) Civil War II Gods Of War #2 (of 4) Daredevil #9 Dark Tower The Drawing Of The Three Bitter Medicine #4 (of 5) Deadpool #15 Guardians Of The Galaxy #10 Gwenpool #4 Marvel NOW Previews #1 Marvel Universe Guardians Of The Galaxy #10 New Avengers #13 Old Man Logan #8 Power Man And Iron Fist #6 Rocket Raccoon And Groot #7 Silk #10 Vision #9 Web Warriors #9 |
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