DC Comics - Week 312 (August 23, 2017) English | CBR | 18 Issues | 551.88 MB Action Comics #986 Batgirl #14 Batman Beyond #11 Batman The Shadow #5 (of 6) Blue Beetle #12 DC Super Hero Girls 010 - Out of the Bottle 010 (2017) Detective Comics #963 Flash #29 Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #27 Harley Quinn #26 Hellblazer #13 Kamandi Challenge #8 (of 12) Manhunter Special #1 Mother Panic #10 Nightwing The New Order #1 (of 6) Scooby-Doo Team-Up #29 Suicide Squad #24 Teen Titans #11 Marvel Comics - Week 249 (August 23, 2017) English | CBR | 16 Issues | 1.13 GB Ben Reilly The Scarlet Spider #6 Cable #4 Daredevil #25 Deadpool Kills The Marvel Universe Again #4 (of 5) Doctor Strange #24 Edge Of Venomverse #5 (of 5) Generations The Unworthy Thor And The Mighty Thor #1 I Am Groot #4 Iceman #4 Immortal Iron Fists 003 (2017) Peter Parker The Spectacular Spider-Man #3 Punisher #15 Secret Empire #9 (of 10) Star Wars Doctor Aphra Annual #1 Weapon X #7 X-Men Gold #10 Marvel Comics - Week 172 (March 2, 2016) English | CBR | 15 Issues | 608.62 MB MARVEL COMICS A-Force #3 Avengers Standoff Assault On Pleasant Hill Alpha #1 Black Widow #1 Daredevil - Punisher - Seventh Circle Infinite Comic 001 (2016) Darth Vader #17 Deadpool #8 Guardians Of Infinity #4 Invincible Iron Man #4 Marvel Universe Avengers Assemble Civil War #1 Nova #5 Old Man Logan #3 Spider-Man #2 The Amazing Spider-Man & Silk - Spider(Fly) Effect Infinite Comic 004 (2016) Uncanny Avengers #6 Uncanny X-Men #4 DC Comics - Week 311 (August 16, 2017) English | CBR | 18 Issues | 586.28 MB Aquaman #27 Batman #29 Batwoman #6 Cave Carson Has A Cybernetic Eye #11 Dark Nights Metal #1 (of 6) Future Quest Presents #1 Gotham City Garage 001 (2017) Green Arrow #29 Green Lanterns #29 Justice League #27 Nightwing #27 Super Sons #7 Superman #29 Trinity #12 Wonder Woman #28 American Way Those Above And Below #2 (of 6) Astro City #46 Sandman Special #1 Marvel Comics - Week 248 (August 16, 2017) English | CBR | 22 Issues | 1.87 GB All-New Guardians Of The Galaxy #8 Amazing Spider-Man Renew Your Vows #10 Astonishing X-Men #2 Black Panther And The Crew #5 Generation X #5 Generations Wolverine And All-New Wolverine #1 Gwenpool #19 Invincible Iron Man #10 Luke Cage #4 Marvel's Thor Ragnarok Prelude #4 (of 4) Mighty Thor #22 Monsters Unleashed #5 Royals #6 Secret Empire Brave New World #5 (of 5) Silver Surfer #13 Spider-Men II #2 (of 5) Star Wars #34 Star Wars Poe Dameron #18 Totally Awesome Hulk #22 U.S.Avengers #9 Ultimates 2 #100 X-Men Blue #9 Marvel Comics - Week 247 (August 9, 2017) English | CBR | 22 Issues | 1.43 GB All-New Wolverine #23 Amazing Spider-Man #31 Captain America #25 Deadpool Kills The Marvel Universe Again #3 (of 5) Defenders #4 Edge Of Venomverse #4 (of 5) Generations Phoenix And Jean Grey #1 Hulk #9 Inhumans Once And Future Kings #1 (of 5) Jean Grey #5 Marvel Universe Guardians Of The Galaxy #21 Ms. Marvel #21 Old Man Logan #27 Rocket #4 Secret Empire #8 (of 10) Secret Warriors #5 Star Wars Doctor Aphra #11 Star Wars Rogue One Cassian And K2SO Special #1 Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #23 Venom #153 Zombies Assemble 2 #1 (of 4) DC Comics - Week 310 (August 9, 2017) English | CBR | 21 Issues | 667.24 MB Action Comics #985 Batgirl And The Birds Of Prey #13 DC Super Hero Girls 009 - Out of the Bottle (2017) Detective Comics #962 Flash #28 Gotham Academy Second Semester #12 Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #26 Harley Quinn #25 Justice League Of America #12 Justice League Power Rangers #5 (of 6) Mister Miracle #1 (of 12) New Super-Man #14 Newsboy Legion And The Boy Commandos Special #1 Red Hood And The Outlaws #13 Scooby Apocalypse #16 Scooby-Doo Team-Up 057 (2017) Scooby-Doo Where Are You #84 Suicide Squad #23 Supergirl #12 Superwoman #13 Titans #14 Marvel Comics - Week 186 (June 8, 2016) English | CBR | 19 Issues | 784.94 MB Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. #6 All-New X-Men #10 Captain America 01 (FCBD 2016) Civil War II Amazing Spider-Man #1 (of 4) Civil War II Gods Of War #1 (of 4) Daredevil #8 Dark Tower The Drawing Of The Three Bitter Medicine #3 (of 5) Darth Vader #21 Deadpool And The Mercs For Money #5 (of 5) Empress #3 (of 7) FCBD 2016 - Civil War II (2016) Guardians Of The Galaxy #9 Howard The Duck #8 Marvel Universe Guardians Of The Galaxy #9 New Avengers #12 Star Wars Poe Dameron #3 Thunderbolts #2 Venom Space Knight #8 Vision #8 DC Comics - Week 309 (August 2, 2017) English | CBR | 13 Issues | 437.7 MB Bane Conquest #4 (of 12) Batman #28 Cyborg #15 Deathstroke #22 Green Arrow #28 Green Lanterns #28 Justice League #26 New Gods Special #1 Nightwing #26 Shade The Changing Girl #11 Superman #28 Everafter From The Pages Of Fables #12 Savage Things #6 (of 8) Marvel Comics - Week 246 (August 2, 2017) English | CBR | 18 Issues | 1.22 GB All-New Guardians Of The Galaxy #7 Avengers #10 Black Bolt #4 Champions #11 Generations Banner Hulk And The Totally Awesome Hulk #1 Hawkeye #9 Iron Fist #6 Jessica Jones #11 Marvel Universe Avengers Ultron Revolution #12 Marvel's Thor Ragnarok Prelude #3 (of 4) Nick Fury #5 Spider-Man #19 Spider-Man Deadpool #20 Star Wars Darth Vader #4 Star Wars Rogue One Adaptation #5 (of 6) Unstoppable Wasp #8 Vision Director's Cut #3 (of 6) X-Men Gold #9 Marvel Comics - Week 245 (July 26, 2017) English | CBR | 22 Issues | 1.22 GB Ben Reilly The Scarlet Spider #5 Black Panther #16 Cable #3 Captain America Sam Wilson #24 Captain America Steve Rogers #19 Deadpool #34 Edge Of Venomverse #3 (of 5) Guardians Of The Galaxy The Telltale Series #1 (of 5) Gwenpool The Unbelievable #18 I Am Groot #3 Iceman #3 Infamous Iron Man #10 Mighty Captain Marvel #7 Moon Girl And Devil Dinosaur #21 Occupy Avengers #9 Punisher #14 Secret Empire #7 (of 10) Spider-Gwen #22 Star Wars Doctor Aphra #10 Thanos #9 Weapon X #6 X-Men Blue #8 DC Comics - Week 308 (July 26, 2017) English | CBR | 18 Issues | 602.65 MB Action Comics #984 All-Star Batman #12 Batgirl #13 Batman Beyond #10 Batman The Shadow #4 (of 6) Blue Beetle #11 Detective Comics #961 Doom Patrol #7 Flash #27 Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #25 Hellblazer #12 Justice League Of America #11 Kamandi Challenge #7 (of 12) Looney Tunes #238 Mother Panic #9 Suicide Squad #22 Teen Titans #10 Wonder Woman #27 Marvel Comics - Week 244 (July 19, 2017) English | CBR | 26 Issues | 2.12 GB All-New Guardians Of The Galaxy #6 Amazing Spider-Man Renew Your Vows #9 America #5 Astonishing X-Men #1 Daredevil #24 Deadpool Kills The Marvel Universe Again #2 (of 5) Doctor Strange #23 Generations Free Previews Spotlight Immortal Iron Fists #1 Invincible Iron Man #9 Luke Cage #3 Marvel's Thor Ragnarok Prelude #2 (of 4) Mighty Thor #21 Monsters Unleashed #4 Ms. Marvel #20 Peter Parker The Spectacular Spider-Man #2 Royals #5 Secret Empire #6 (of 10) Secret Empire Brave New World #4 (of 5) Spider-Man 2099 #25 Star Wars Darth Maul #5 (of 5) Star Wars Poe Dameron #17 Totally Awesome Hulk #21 U.S.Avengers #8 Ultimates 2 #9 X-Men Gold #8 DC Comics - Week 307 (July 19, 2017) English | CBR | 15 Issues | 498.77 MB Aquaman #26 Batman #27 Batwoman #5 Cave Carson Has A Cybernetic Eye #10 Green Arrow #27 Green Lanterns #27 Harley Quinn #24 Justice League #25 KFC - Across the Universe (2017) Nightwing #25 Super Sons #6 Supergirl - Fastest Women Alive (2017) Superman #27 Trinity #11 Wild Storm #6 DC Comics - Week 279 (January 4, 2017) English | CBR | 22 Issues | 830.82 MB Aquaman #14 Batman #14 Cyborg #8 DC Comics - Bombshells 077 (2017) DC Super Hero Girls 007 (2017) Death Of Hawkman #4 (of 6) Fall And Rise Of Captain Atom #1 (of 6) Flintstones #7 Green Arrow #14 Green Lanterns #14 Harley Quinn #11 Justice League #12 Justice League Of America The Atom Rebirth #1 Justice League Vs Suicide Squad #3 (of 6) Midnighter And Apollo #4 (of 6) Nightwing #12 Scooby-Doo Where Are You #77 Shade The Changing Girl #4 Superman #14 Everafter From The Pages Of Fables #5 Unfollow #15 DC Comics - Week 280 (January 11, 2017) English | CBR | 23 Issues | 917.73 MB Action Comics #971 All-Star Batman #6 Batgirl And The Birds Of Prey #6 Batman '66 Meets Wonder Woman '77 004 (2017) DC Essential Graphic Novels 2017 Deathstroke #10 Detective Comics #948 Earth 2 Society #20 Flash #14 Gotham Academy Second Semester #5 Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #12 Justice League Of America Vixen Rebirth #1 Justice League Power Rangers #1 (of 6) Justice League Vs Suicide Squad #4 (of 6) New Super-Man #7 Red Hood And The Outlaws #6 Scooby Apocalypse #9 Suicide Squad #9 Supergirl #5 Superwoman #6 Titans #7 Wonder Woman #14 Lost Boys #4 (of 6) DC Comics - Week 281 (January 18, 2017) English | CBR | 18 Issues | 894.73 MB Aquaman #15 Batman #15 Cave Carson Has A Cybernetic Eye #4 Green Arrow #15 Green Lanterns #15 Harley Quinn #12 He-Man Thundercats #4 (of 6) Justice League #13 Justice League Of America The Ray Rebirth #1 Justice League Vs Suicide Squad #5 (of 6) Kamandi Challenge Special #1 Nightwing #13 Raven #5 (of 6) Suicide Squad Most Wanted El Diablo And Amanda Waller #6 (of 6) Super Powers #3 (of 6) Superman #15 Trinity #5 Lucifer #14 DC Comics - Week 282 (January 25, 2017) English | CBR | 24 Issues | 882.57 MB Action Comics #972 Batgirl #7 Batman '66 Meets Wonder Woman '77 #1 (of 6) Batman Beyond #4 Blue Beetle #5 Deathstroke #11 Detective Comics #949 Doom Patrol #4 Flash #15 Future Quest #9 Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #13 Hellblazer #6 Justice League Of America Killer Frost Rebirth #1 Justice League Vs Suicide Squad #6 (of 6) Kamandi Challenge #1 (of 12) Looney Tunes #235 Odyssey Of The Amazons #1 (of 6) Scooby-Doo Team-Up 044 (2017) Six-Pack And Dogwelder Hard-Travelin' Heroz #6 (of 6) Suicide Squad #10 Teen Titans #4 Wonder Woman #15 Frostbite #5 (of 6) DC Comics - Week 283 (February 1, 2017) English | CBR | 17 Issues | 676.64 MB Aquaman #16 Batman #16 Cyborg #9 DC Super Hero Girls #9 Death Of Hawkman #5 (of 6) Fall And Rise Of Captain Atom #2 (of 6) Flintstones #8 Green Arrow #16 Green Lanterns #16 Harley Quinn #13 Justice League #14 Midnighter And Apollo #5 (of 6) Nightwing #14 Shade The Changing Girl #5 Super Powers #4 (of 6) Superman #16 Everafter From The Pages Of Fables #6 DC Comics - Week 284 (February 8, 2017) English | CBR | 23 Issues | 937.53 MB Action Comics #973 All-Star Batman #7 Batgirl And The Birds Of Prey #7 Deadman Dark Mansion Of Forbidden Love #3 (of 3) Deathstroke #12 Detective Comics #950 Earth 2 Society #21 Flash #16 Gotham Academy Second Semester #6 Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #14 Justice League Of America Rebirth #1 Justice League Power Rangers #2 (of 6) New Super-Man #8 Red Hood And The Outlaws #7 Scooby Apocalypse #10 Scooby-Doo Where Are You #78 Scooby-Doo Team-Up 045 (2017) Suicide Squad #11 Supergirl #6 Superwoman #7 Titans #8 Wonder Woman #16 Lost Boys #5 (of 6) |
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