Super Spy - The Lost Dossiers (2010)
Super Spy - The Lost Dossiers (2010)
English | CBR | 100 pages | 77.52 MB

Couldn't get enough of the critically-acclaimed and Eisner-nominated Super Spy? Curious what all the fuss is about? Creator Matt Kindt pulls out all the stops to make this an unforgettable supplement to his 2007 opus. Deleted scenes! Standalone spy stories! Sketchbook pages! 3-D comics! Full annotations! Diagrams of spy gadgets and keys to unlock secret codes hidden throughout the original book! Toys and stories for you to cut out and assemble! It's like a secret spy activity book for grown-ups!
Super Spy (2007)
Super Spy (2007)
English | CBR | 325 pages | 273.57 MB

Super Spy is 52 interwoven short stories about cyanide, pen-guns, heartbreak and betrayal. Each story follows the life of a spy during World War II. Spanning the globe from Spain to France and Germany, this book takes the reader on a tour of the everyday life of the spy. From the small lies and deceptions to the larger secrets that everyone hides, Super Spy reveals the nature of espionage and how an individual can be lost and also find redemption. A children's book is something more than it seems... a woman swims the English Channel to deliver a deadly secret... a German spy desperately seeks escape for herself and her daughter... and a spy continues to serve his country even beyond death.
Jennifer Daydreamer #1 Oliver (2003) + #2 Anna & Eva (2004)
Jennifer Daydreamer #1 Oliver (2003) + #2 Anna & Eva (2004)
English | CBR | 2 Issues | 92.60 MB

Mini-comic fan favorite, Jennifer Daydreamer, cracks her world open a bit more for this exciting new series of stand-alone books from Top Shelf. Her complete fantasy universe, called Encephalon, is akin to a dreamier Wizard of Oz or a hallucinatory Harry Potter. Daydreamer has spent nearly three years studying symbols, fairy tales, schizophrenia and the various natures of reality in preparation for this new series. ... In this first volume, Oliver, there are three intertwined stories set in Jennifer's unique quirky landscape that feature the psychic Circus Zazel, bratty angels, thoughts that walk around, and the title character Oliver, a small pre-pubescent boy in a devil costume. Jennifer's drawings are dense, lush and almost vibrate off the page. Don't miss this exciting full-scale debut by this wholly unique artist.
Alec - The King Canute Crowd (2000) TPB
Alec - The King Canute Crowd (2000) TPB
English | CBR | 148 pages | 107.08 MB

Alec is a brilliant and insightful romp through Eddie Campbell's own life, and it represents one of the best, and first, works in the autobiographical-comics genre. In it, we witness Eddie's progression from "beer to wine," or to put it more accurately, his inevitable maturation through time. Whether it's tales of his early pub-crawlin' days, or glimpses into his current private life with "wifey" and kids, there are "truths" here that transcend the factual and paint a picture of the way life should be. This collection, numbered at 51 in The Comics Journal's top comics of the century, has been much sought after by collectors of the serious graphic novel as well as readers new to the idea of comics.
SuperF*ckers (2010) TPB
SuperF*ckers (2010) TPB
English | CBR | 147 pages | 100.16 MB

Foul-mouthed, filthy-minded, and completely oblivious, these young "heroes" do everything BUT fight crime - they're too busy getting high, hazing the new kids, playing video games, scheming to be team leader, and designing new costumes. SuperF*ckers collects all four fan-favorite issues of Kochalka's over-the-top series, plus the all-new Jack Krak one-shot!
Incredible Change-Bots (2011) GN
Incredible Change-Bots (2011) GN
English | CBR | 147 pages | 70.41 MB

Far away in space, there is a planet populated by machines able to change from robot form to vehicle form — the Incredible Change-Bots! Leaving their war torn planet, the Change-Bots arrive on Earth, where their battle continues, but at what cost? Part parody, part nostalgic tribute, part moral fable, with The Incredible Change-Bots Jeffrey Brown re-invents the shape changing robot genre into a heart stopping action comedy that's full of romance, half drama, and epic battles! The first Full-color graphic novel from Jeffrey Brown is an all-ages friendly (only one guy and some robots die) immersion into sci-fi fun!

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Incredible Change-Bots Two (2011) GN
Incredible Change-Bots Two (2011) GN
English | CBR | 147 pages | 77.43 MB

Four years ago, an alien race of shape-changing robots came to Earth, fired ray guns at each other for a while, then gave up and flew away. But they left behind one thing: Shootertron, the semi-cunning leader of the evil Fantasticons! Fortunately for Earth, Shootertron's memory is a little fuzzy. Unfortunately for Earth, the rest of the Incredible Change-Bots seem to be on their way back! Hilarious and gleefully childlike, Jeffrey Brown's Incredible Change-Bots Two is a nostalgic tribute not only to Saturday morning cartoons but also to Jeffrey Brown's Incredible Change-Bots One.

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Tricked (2005) (Digital GN)
Tricked (2005) (Digital GN)
English | CBR | 353 pages | 219.15 MB

353 pages! Alex Robinson, "the master of true-to-life relationship drama" (Library Journal), has created another tour de force. Tricked follows the lives of six people -- a reclusive rock legend, a heartbroken waitress, a counterfeiter, an obsessive crank, a lost daughter, and a frustrated lover -- whose lives are unconnected until an act of violence brings them spiraling in on each other. Combining intriguing characters with a story structure that is both complex and innovative, Tricked is not to be missed.

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