DC Comics - Week 219 (November 11, 2015) English | CBR | 15 Issues | 652.22 MB Batman #46 Batman And Robin Eternal #6 Batman Beyond #6 Batman Superman #26 Catwoman #46 Constantine The Hellblazer #6 DC Presents Lois And Clark 100-Page Spectacular #1 Justice League Darkseid War Green Lantern #1 Justice League Darkseid War Shazam #1 Justice League United #15 Red Hood Arsenal #6 Scooby-Doo Where Are You #63 Starfire #6 Superman American Alien #1 (of 7) Teen Titans #13 Marvel Comics - Week 156 (November 11, 2015) English | CBR | 19 Issues | 858.87 MB All-New All-Different Avengers #1 All-New All-Different Marvel November Previews All-New Hawkeye #1 All-New Wolverine #1 Captain America White #4 (of 5) Carnage #1 Chewbacca #3 (of 5) Darth Vader #12 Figment 2 #3 (of 5) Illuminati #1 Infinity Gauntlet #5 Secret Wars #7 (of 9) Spider-Gwen #2 Spider-Man 2099 #3 Squadron Sinister #4 Thors #4 Ultimates #1 Uncanny Avengers #2 Web Warriors #1 Marvel Comics - Week 155 (November 04, 2015) English | CBR | 17 Issues | 786.01 MB Amazing Spider-Man #3 Avengers Vs Infinity #1 Contest Of Champions #2 Deadpool #1 Doctor Strange #2 Drax #1 Extraordinary X-Men #1 Hercules #1 Howard The Duck #1 Invincible Iron Man #3 Marvel Universe Guardians Of The Galaxy #2 Max Ride Ultimate Flight #1 (of 5) Miracleman By Gaiman And Buckingham #4 Nova #1 Star Wars #11 Uncanny X-Men #600 Vision #1 DC Comics - Week 218 (November 04, 2015) English | CBR | 12 Issues | 427.59 MB Batman And Robin Eternal #5 Bat-Mite #6 (of 6) Detective Comics #46 Green Arrow #46 Green Lantern #46 Harley Quinn And Power Girl #5 (of 6) Justice League Darkseid War Superman #1 Justice League Darkseid War The Flash #1 Lobo #12 Midnighter #6 Survivor's Club #2 Unfollow #1 Marvel Comics - Week 154 (October 28, 2015) English | CBR | 14 Issues | 597.54 MB Angela Queen Of Hel #1 Captain America Sam Wilson #2 Chewbacca #2 (of 5) Deadpool Vs Thanos #4 (of 4) Guidebook To The Marvel Cinematic Universe Marvel's Iron Man House Of M #4 Howling Commandos Of S.H.I.E.L.D. #1 Kanan #7 New Avengers #2 Secret Wars Official Handbook Of Marvel Multiverse #1 Spider-Man 2099 #2 Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #1 What If Infinity Dark Reign #1 (One Shot) Where Monsters Dwell #5 (of 5) DC Comics - Week 217 (October 28, 2015) English | CBR | 18 Issues | 633.42 MB All-Star Section 8 #5 (of 6) Aquaman #45 Batgirl #45 Batman And Robin Eternal #4 Cyborg #4 Deathstroke #11 Flash #45 Gotham By Midnight #10 Grayson #13 He-Man The Eternity War #11 Justice League 3001 #5 Justice League Darkseid War Batman #1 New Suicide Squad #13 Prez #5 (of 6) Robin Son Of Batman #5 Sinestro #16 Superman #45 We Are Robin #5 Marvel Comics - Week 153 (October 21, 2015) English | CBR | 13 Issues | 541.69 MB 1872 #4 Age Of Apocalypse #5 Amazing Spider-Man #2 Astonishing Ant-Man #1 Darth Vader #11 Invincible Iron Man #2 Journey To Star Wars The Force Awakens Shattered Empire #4 (of 4) Karnak #1 S.H.I.E.L.D. #11 Secret Wars Agents Of Atlas #1 (One Shot) Uncanny Inhumans #1 Weirdworld #5 What If Infinity Guardians Of Galaxy #1 (One Shot) DC Comics - Week 216 (October 21, 2015) English | CBR | 15 Issues | 489.84 MB Batman And Robin Eternal #3 Batman Arkham Knight Genesis #3 (of 6) Bizarro #5 (of 6) Black Canary #5 Doomed #5 Dr Fate #5 Gotham Academy #11 Green Lantern The Lost Army #5 Justice League #45 Martian Manhunter #5 Secret Six #7 Superman Wonder Woman #22 Teen Titans #12 Titans Hunt #1 (of 12) Wonder Woman #45 Marvel Comics - Week 152 (October 14, 2015) English | CBR | 17 Issues | 699.40 MB A-Force #5 Captain America Sam Wilson #1 Captain America White #3 (of 5) Chewbacca #1 (of 5) Civil War #5 Deadpool Vs Thanos #3 (of 4) Figment 2 #2 (of 5) Guardians Of The Galaxy #1 Journey To Star Wars The Force Awakens Shattered Empire #3 (of 4) Marvel Universe Avengers Assemble Season Two #12 Marvel Zombies #4 Ms Marvel #19 New Avengers #1 Spider-Gwen #1 Spider-Man 2099 #1 Uncanny Avengers #1 What If Infinity X-Men #1 (One Shot) DC Comics - Week 215 (October 14, 2015) English | CBR | 14 Issues | 499.53 MB Batman #45 Batman And Robin Eternal #2 Batman Superman #25 Bat-Mite #5 (of 6) Catwoman #45 Constantine The Hellblazer #5 Earth 2 Society #5 Harley Quinn #21 Justice League Of America #4 Justice League United #14 Red Hood Arsenal #5 Scooby-Doo Where Are You #62 Starfire #5 Superman Lois And Clark #1 Fear of a Punk Planet 001 (2015) English | CBR | 40 pages | 33.40 MB this tale is based on the 7 episode Digital Entertainment Network series created by Joe back in 1998. Taking place in the mid-nineties where four very different punk kids must band together to save the only all ages venue in their boring hometown of Mullet, California! Can they do it? We hope so! DC Comics - Week 213 (September 30, 2015) English | CBR | 9 Issues | 483.92 MB Aquaman #44 Batman Annual #4 Batman Arkham Knight Annual #1 Grayson Annual #2 Green Lantern Annual #4 Justice League #44 New Suicide Squad Annual #1 Superman #44 Wonder Woman '77 Special #2 Marvel Comics - Week 150 (September 30, 2015) English | CBR | 8 Issues | 306.03 MB Captain America White #2 (of 5) Cavalry S.H.I.E.L.D. 50th Anniversary #1 E Is For Extinction #4 Ghost Racers #4 Hail Hydra #3 Inferno #5 M.O.D.O.K. Assassin #5 (of 5) S.H.I.E.L.D. #10 Marvel Comics - Week 149 (September 23, 2015) English | CBR | 11 Issues | 415.53 MB 1872 #3 Captain Marvel And The Carol Corps #4 Deadpool Vs Thanos #2 (of 4) Fury S.H.I.E.L.D. 50th Anniversary #1 George Romero's Empire Of The Dead Act Three #5 (of 5) Inhumans Attilan Rising #5 Kanan #6 Runaways #4 Weirdworld #4 X-Tinction Agenda #4 Years Of Future Past #5 DC Comics - Week 212 (September 23, 2015) English | CBR | 11 Issues | 450.87 MB Astro City #27 Batgirl #44 Deathstroke #10 Flash #44 Gotham By Midnight #9 Grayson #12 Harley Quinn And Power Girl #4 (of 6) He-Man The Eternity War #10 Justice League 3001 #4 Sinestro #15 We Are Robin #4 Marvel Comics - Week 148 (September 16, 2015) English | CBR | 15 Issues | 636.39 MB Age Of Apocalypse #4 Agent Carter S.H.I.E.L.D. 50th Anniversary #1 All-New Hawkeye #5 Armor Wars #5 Bucky Barnes The Winter Soldier #11 Captain America White #1 (of 5) Guardians Of Knowhere #4 House Of M #3 Infinity Gauntlet #4 Miracleman By Gaiman And Buckingham #2 Secret Wars Journal #5 (of 5) Spider-Island #4 (of 5) Spider-Verse #5 Star Wars #9 Star Wars Lando #4 (of 5) DC Comics - Week 211 (September 16, 2015) English | CBR | 14 Issues | 449.28 MB Batman Arkham Knight Genesis #2 (of 6) Bizarro #4 (of 6) Black Canary #4 Constantine The Hellblazer #4 Doomed #4 Dr Fate #4 Green Lantern The Lost Army #4 Harley Quinn #20 Martian Manhunter #4 Prez #4 (of 6) Robin Son Of Batman #4 Secret Six #6 Superman Wonder Woman #21 Wonder Woman #44 DC Comics - Week 209 (September 2, 2015) English | CBR | 8 Issues | 247.13 MB Batman Beyond #4 Bat-Mite #4 (of 6) Detective Comics #44 Green Arrow #44 Green Lantern #44 Lobo #10 Midnighter #4 Omega Men #4 Marvel Comics - Week 147 (September 9, 2015) English | CBR | 15 Issues | 565.58 MB 1602 Witch Hunter Angela #3 A-Force #4 Amazing Spider-Man Renew Your Vows #5 Civil War #4 Darth Vader #9 Giant-Size Little Marvel AvX #4 Journey To Star Wars The Force Awakens Shattered Empire #1 (of 4) Korvac Saga #4 Mrs Deadpool And The Howling Commandos #4 Ms Marvel #18 Planet Hulk #5 Quake S.H.I.E.L.D. 50th Anniversary #1 Red Skull #3 (of 3) Secret Wars 2099 #5 (of 5) Siege #3 DC Comics - Week 210 (September 9, 2015) English | CBR | 13 Issues | 531.37 MB Action Comics #44 All-Star Section 8 #4 (of 6) Batman #44 Batman Superman #24 Catwoman #44 Earth 2 Society #4 Gotham Academy #10 Harley Quinn Road Trip Special #1 Justice League United #13 New Suicide Squad #12 Red Hood Arsenal #4 Scooby-Doo Where Are You #61 Starfire #4 |
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