Brave Dan (2014)
Brave Dan (2014)
Brave Dan (2014)
English | CBR | 255 pages | 121.81 MB

Kotan is a child of Ainu descent who finds himself suddenly in the care of a man-eating tiger named Dan. Dan has vowed to Kotan that he will help him find his lost parents. Their search is cut short when the odd companions are approached by an old Ainu man named Upopo. When Upopo spins tall tales of how Kotan is the chosen one who will locate and inherit the Ainu’s hidden treasure, Kotan and Dan find themselves battling criminals, murderers, cheats, liars, and all-around closed-minded folk. As if there weren’t enough things threatening their lives, a crow warns Dan that Kotan is will be the one to end Dan’s life. Can Brave Dan and his best friend Kotan survive the trials that await them? What is the Ainu peoples’ hidden treasure, and is it really worth it? Was the crow telling the truth, or was it just malarkey?

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