Djinn v01-v13 (2015-2016) Complete
Djinn v01-v13 (2015-2016) CompleteDjinn v01-v13 (2015-2016) Complete
Djinn v01-v13 (2015-2016) Complete
English | CBR | 13 Issues | 1.63 GB

This series follows the paths of two different women, in two different eras. One is the exquisite Kim Nelson, a young English woman on a quest for a treasure she believes is rightfully hers. The other is her legendary ancestor, Jade, a djinn of the utmost expertise in the art of love, who, through the power of her body, holds the whole world in the palm of her hand. Her quest? To make her mark on the memory of the world through passing into legend. But both women must withstand many trials, and many rights of passage, in order to attain their goals. This is a series constantly in movement, migrating from Turkey and the harems of the Ottoman Empire, to Africa and the magic of ritual, to India and the glittering Pavilion of Pleasures. A captivating tribute to the power of desire, sensuality and the instinct to love.

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Comments: 8 Print Back
Comment #1 (20 December 2015 23:35)
Is this issue complete?!? It seems to end right in the middle of the story rather abruptly. It doesn't say "to be continued" or provide any clue!
kansascornfed Info:
» Registered: 12.07.2015 | Group: Members | Posts: 0 | Comments: 341 | ICQ:   | Status: Currently Offline
Comment #2 (21 December 2015 00:35)
Searched some of the foreign language websites and found some information about this series on DARGAUD.COM (French publisher).

There were a total of twelve issues that were originally published (in French) from 2001 thru 2009. These were later collected into two large volumes (collected issues 1-4 and collected issues 5-9) that were released in 2013. There was no mention of a third volume that would have collected issues 10-12.

I am hoping it will not take 8 years for all the translations to turn up here! Hint, hint...
kansascornfed Info:
» Registered: 12.07.2015 | Group: Members | Posts: 0 | Comments: 341 | ICQ:   | Status: Currently Offline
Comment #3 (12 June 2016 10:43)
The Dargaud website describes the series as having 14 volumes. Does anybody have any info on those two issues described below?

SUMMARY DJINN VOLUME 0 [ Released 5 Dec 2014 / 46 pages ]
The writer Jean Dufaux wished his imagination wander into one of these places open to all fantasies: the legendary harem of Istanbul. To decipher codes, there is penetrated with the complicity of a woman, the designer Ana Miralles. One, by the words, and the other through images, trace the genesis and evolution of the fascinating Djinn series that resulted.
Istanbul. For the writer Jean Dufaux, the city had a culture of exceptional wealth and a fracture: the end of the powerful Ottoman Empire. This culture and fracture were in a space that is both secure and open to all fantasies: the harem. But make part of a database was to risk the lame clichés and mannerisms macho. The choice of a designer was needed. A feminine sensibility would keep some distance between the object and describes the sensations that this object could emerge.
When a happy combination of circumstances brought him into contact with the Spanish designer Ana Miralles, he knew immediately that it would be the ideal partner. Gradually, the sets were planted, the characters took shape and their adventures have developed. Kim Nelson, Jade, Lady and Lord Nelson ... Their history would be divided into two stages: two eras, two heroines, two sides of the same curse, the Djinn. In view of the first drawings, J.Dufaux Mirallès understood that Ana was found in Kim, in this energy that animates the young woman.
This magical encounter, this symbiosis, that wonderful chemistry between the author and the metteuse images, between about one and graphic visions that has offered the other a superb lavishly illustrated album of original sketches now realizes. It also sheds new light the complexity of relations between the actors of this disturbing series.
A revised edition of What is hidden, with a new cover and many new drawings.

DJINN SUMMARY VOLUME 100 [ Released 13 Nov 2009 / 48 pages ]
Africa completed cycle, the black pearl found and revealed the secrets of Nelson, Jean Dufaux and Ana Miralles can uncover what was hidden. Throughout the pages of this beautiful book, the designer reveals his sketches of Djinn, these sumptuous premises of boards and covers that are sensual charm of the series. Jean Dufaux [scriptwriter], meanwhile, invites the reader to accompany him on the paths of his thinking, his desires, as in distilling anecdotes, comic or tragic, techniques that punctuate the five albums of this steamy and wild cycle.
kansascornfed Info:
» Registered: 12.07.2015 | Group: Members | Posts: 0 | Comments: 341 | ICQ:   | Status: Currently Offline
Comment #4 (12 January 2020 18:40)
Please re-upload. Thank you! :D
JJM Info:
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Comment #5 (13 March 2020 06:14)
Rio Info:
» Registered: 9.06.2013 | Group: Members | Posts: 0 | Comments: 2931 | ICQ:   | Status: Currently Offline
Comment #6 (24 January 2022 18:20)
Djinn v05 - Africa (2015)
Djinn v12 - Honor Reclaimed (2016)
Djinn v13 - Kim Nelson (2016)

are all dead. Please re-up.
undisclosed_x Info:
» Registered: 27.12.2016 | Group: Members | Posts: 0 | Comments: 57 | ICQ:   | Status: Currently Offline
Comment #7 (8 October 2022 07:46)
several of these links say "file not found" at fileDD. any chance we can get them re-posted or re-linked?
artisteroi Info:
» Registered: 7.01.2018 | Group: Members | Posts: 0 | Comments: 103 | ICQ:   | Status: Currently Offline
Comment #8 (8 October 2022 08:27)

This post is locked.
Rio Info:
» Registered: 9.06.2013 | Group: Members | Posts: 0 | Comments: 2931 | ICQ:   | Status: Currently Offline
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