The Chimerical Brigade 1-6
The Chimerical Brigade 1-6The Chimerical Brigade 1-6
The Chimerical Brigade 1-6
English | CBR | 6 Issues | 318 MB

They were born on the battlefields of 14-18, amongst the clouds of gas and the fire of x-ray weapons.
They have taken control of the great European capitals. Beyond good and evil.
Serial writers have made icons of them. Scientists are fascinated by their powers. However, at the heart of the old continent, a threat looms which may erase even the memory of their existence...
This album, the first in a series of six, contains:
Prologue: "Mechanoid Curie".
September 1938. At the invitation of Doctor Mabuse, dozens of superhumans assemble in the secret city of Metropolis. Among them, Irène Joliot-Curie, hidden behind the mask of a Soviet android. What Mabuse is about to reveal could destabilise the fragile equilibrium of the European powers. But a nightmarish intruder has invited himself to this meeting.
Episode 1: "The Final Mission of The Passer-Through-Walls".
Six months later, in Paris. While The Nyctalope, all-powerful protector of The City of Lights, searches for a biographer amongst the Surrealists, Irène Joliot-Curie and her husband Frédéric investigate the consequences of the meeting in Metropolis. An old friend of the Radium Institute has agreed to help them.
Episode 2: "Cagliostro".
Did the dying Marie Curie really designate the Nyctalope as the protector of Paris in 1934? His biographer, the beautiful George Spad, goes to the American hospital in Neuilly to question Jean Séverac, a former military doctor who may have been present. The hypnotist Cagliostro, the sorceress Palmyre and a monstruous extradimensional entity disrupt their meeting.
Episode 3: "The Burning Chamber".
Troubled by George Spad's revelations about his links to the Chimerical Brigade - one of the most mysterious groups of superheroes of the interwar years -, Jean Séverac returns to the Radium Institute to demand answers from the Joliot-Curie couple. The intrusion of an enemy of VERY GRAND STATURE confronts him with the impossible truth.
Episode 4: "The Broken Man".
Who are the Chimeras? The symbols of the Séverac dynasty made flesh? Mythical entities from the depths of the ages? At the Radium Institute, the discovery of the Burning Chamber allows Irène Joliot-Curie to open this metaphysical investigation while, in Paris' sewers and cellars, a gang of Vampyres make a remarkable return.
Episode 5: "Happy Birthday Doctor Séverac!"
Invited by George Spad to a private dinner at the Royal Monceau, Jean Séverac learns of the existence of a mysterious "club" that closely watches the balance of superscientific power in Europe. The reappearance of the Xenobiota, an extra-terrestrial creature which terrorised the capital once before in 1930, will give him the opportunity to once and for all accept his double nature and draw his birthday to a breathtaking conclusion.
Episode 6: "International Politics".
The Nyctalope has left Paris. At the Radium institute, Irène Joliot-Curie plans to take advantage of his absence to infiltrate the Chimerical Brigade into the CID. But George Spad's graphomania poses serious problems, and meanwhile, Félifax the tiger-man conducts a reconnaissance mission to the edge of horror.
Episode 7: "H-A-V-russe".
Just like in the glory days of the M gang, Doctor Mabuse, the Werewolf and the Blue Angel are united in their efforts to welcome a mysterious guest to Metropolis. They do not suspect that at the same moment, Jean Séverac and George Spad are carrying out a lightning raid beneath Montmartre. A monstrosity from the depths of the ages thwarts their progress.

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Comments: 4 Print Back
Comment #1 (14 April 2017 20:24)
still links to filepost
kansascornfed Info:
» Registered: 12.07.2015 | Group: Members | Posts: 0 | Comments: 341 | ICQ:   | Status: Currently Offline
Comment #2 (16 April 2017 05:21)
Rio Info:
» Registered: 9.06.2013 | Group: Members | Posts: 0 | Comments: 2931 | ICQ:   | Status: Currently Offline
Comment #3 (6 January 2019 02:37)
Please re-upload
Tass Info:
» Registered: 19.07.2015 | Group: Members | Posts: 0 | Comments: 113 | ICQ:   | Status: Currently Offline
Comment #4 (8 January 2019 02:27)
Thanks RIO!
Tass Info:
» Registered: 19.07.2015 | Group: Members | Posts: 0 | Comments: 113 | ICQ:   | Status: Currently Offline
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