Whistle! v01-v19 (2004-2010)
Whistle! v01-v19 (2004-2010)Whistle! v01-v19 (2004-2010)
Whistle! v01-v19 (2004-2010)
English | CBR | 19 Issues | of 24

English translation of the Japanese manga Whistle! (ホイッスル!).
Break Through
Banned from his school's soccer team for being too short, Shô Kazamatsuri decides there's only one thing left to do: switch schools!
But even a change in scenery doesn't help the David Beckham wannabe. On campus, he is mistakenly introduced to everyone as a hotshot soccer player. When the truth is revealed, Shô drops out of school to practice on his own.
Alone, the spunky teenager must work twice as hard to make his dreams come true. He wants to play soccer so bad he's willing to hustle day and night to make it happen.
Packed with action, humor and teenage kicks, Whistle! is a must-read for dreamers (and soccer fans) of all ages!

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