Helter Skelter (2013)
Helter Skelter (2013)
English | CBR | 317 pages | 206.37 MB

English translation of the Japanese manga Helter Skelter (ヘルタースケルター).
The latest addition to Vertical's new women's comic line is the woman who lead the way for the current generation of Japanese josei (women's) comickers, Kyoko Okazaki. In her most important work she dives into the dark side of the Japanese fashion industry by looking at the extremes models take to stay relevant in that world that is so focused on beauty. Super-model Ririko has been at the top of her game for what seems like an eternity, for the modeling world. And now with a new face in her ranks, she is willing to alter her entire body to keep her position even if it means altering her sense of self in the process.


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