Postal - Night Shift (One-Shot)
Postal - Night Shift (One-Shot)
English | CBR | 33 pages | 43.00 MB

The townsfolk of Eden, Wyoming wake up to the first official murder the town has seen in 25 years. Their reaction to this isn't normal, and there's a reason for that. Eden operates as a haven for fugitive criminals who remain here while new identities, often including facial reconstruction, are created for them. There is zero tolerance for any illegal activity that might draw attention to the town and an "official murder" is the last thing they want. A single, tight-knit family runs Eden with the youngest oddball son Mark Shiffron overseeing the postal branch, the only means of shipping in or out of the city. THE FBI has repeatedly been foiled trying to insert an undercover here; they see Mark as the weak link to exploit. This murder gives them a new opportunity.
Spider-Man Vol.3 #1-5 (2019-2021) CompleteSpider-Man Vol.3 #1-5 (2019-2021) Complete
Spider-Man Vol.3 #1-5 (2019-2021) Complete
English | CBR | 5 Issues | 216.15 MB

The most shocking and incredible comic of 2019 is here as J.J. ABRAMS (STAR WARS, STAR TREK, SUPER 8) and his son HENRY ABRAMS are joined by superstar artist SARA PICHELLI (MILES MORALES, GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY) team up for SPIDER-MAN! What do they have planned for Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson?! Who is Cadaverous?! The Modern Master of Mystery Makes His Marvel this September!
Spider-Man - Bloodline (2021)
English | CBR | 133 pages | 180.41 MB
Collects Spider-Man (2019-2020) #1-5.

Robyn Hood - Justice #1-6 (2020) CompleteRobyn Hood - Justice #1-6 (2020) Complete
Robyn Hood - Justice #1-6 (2020) Complete
English | CBR | 6 Issues | 224.50 MB

Robyn, still an outlaw vigilante, and being hunted by all forms of law enforcement, now knows who is responsible for systematically picking apart her life. Still unable to show her face in public, or rely on her closest friends, she must find a way to set things right and clear her name once and for all. With her world constantly crashing down around her, and new threats popping up, will Robyn have what it takes to keep going and survive this new set of problems and punish those who did this to her? Don't miss this intense new series, Robyn Hood: Justice!
Robyn Hood - Justice (2021)
English | CBR | 178 pages | 250.68 MB

Piecemeal (2020)
Piecemeal (2020)
English | CBR | 52 pages | 67.58 MB

Five high school kids, soon to say goodbye to each other and to the lives they have known, enter the Nightmare House, the source of local legend and superstition. What they discover within the crumbling old house fills them with terror - a human brain, floating in a jar of murky liquid. Soon, the teens find themselves stalked by a vicious killer, a murderer intent on building itself a new body. Piece by piece.
The first in a new series of prestige format one-shots from AfterShock by the top creative tal-ent the industry has to offer, PIECEMEAL is conceived and written by Cullen Bunn (DARK ARK, KNIGHTS TEMPORAL, BROTHERS DRACUL, WITCH HAMMER) and drawn by Szymon Kudranski (BLACK-EYED KIDS, Spawn, Punisher).

The Angels Wanna Wear My Red Shoes #1-4 (2020)The Angels Wanna Wear My Red Shoes #1-4 (2020)
The Angels Wanna Wear My Red Shoes #1-4 (2020)
English | CBR | 4 Issues

In hopes of soon retiring from his secret life as a bare-handed hitman (and live out his days with his loving wife), working man Pete Brown finds himself disappointed once again at the prospect of a routine hit. As the job goes south, complicated by the emergence of a new and powerful drug, Pete meets employers from another realm, who offer him a renewed standing in life.

Mountainhead #1-5 (2019-2020)Mountainhead #1-5 (2019-2020)
Mountainhead #1-5 (2019-2020)
English | CBR | 5 Issues

Abraham Stubbs and his father Noah roam America in a nomadic existence. Convinced they are being pursued by sinister government forces, Noah has them living off the grid, burgling houses to survive. Elsewhere, on Mount Rector, the lone survivor of a climbing expedition staggers homeward, covered in blood. Both are on an inevitable collision course with the picturesque Canadian resort town of Braeriach. From writer John Lees (SINK) and artist Ryan Lee (ARCHER & ARMSTRONG), featuring colors from Doug Garbark and letters from Shawn Lee.

Heroes at Home (2021)
Heroes at Home (2021)
English | CBR | 85 pages | 30.63 MB

Being stuck inside isn't easy for anyone, even super heroes! See how your favorite Marvel characters have coped being cooped up with HEROES AT HOME! See how Spider-Man, Hulk, Captain Marvel, Wolverine, Black Panther and Captain America do in Quarantine! Let Marvel make you smile, courtesy of artists Gurihiru and writer Zeb Wells' Sunday Funnies!

Iron Maiden - Legacy of the Beast - Night City #1-5 (2019-2020) CompleteIron Maiden - Legacy of the Beast - Night City #1-5 (2019-2020) Complete
Iron Maiden - Legacy of the Beast - Night City #1-5 (2019-2020) Complete
English | CBR | 5 Issues | (of 05)

Iron Maiden's Eddie is summoned by the Clairvoyant to wage war against the forces of evil in a battle to the death!

Disaster Inc. #1-5 (2020)Disaster Inc. #1-5 (2020)
Disaster Inc. #1-5 (2020)
English | CBR | 5 Issues

In 2011, the worst earthquake in Japan's history breached the costal Fukushima Daiichi power plant, causing three of its four nuclear reactors to melt down. Forced evacuations followed as the event released enough radioactive material into the air, ground and water to force officials to set up an "Exclusion Zone", effectively sealing off the land for what may well be the rest of human histo-ry. But that's only if you don't have the right connections and the desire to experience catastrophe, failure and misery as it really is! Enter DISASTER INC., an underground tourism outfit intent on helping people of means, secrets and agendas explore the dark corners and off-map attractions typ-ical tour groups won't go to (and various laws don't allow). Only Fukushima, known for its famed warrior class and their protection of the land and people dating back to ancient times, is full of deadly surprises and old ghosts.

Bill and Ted are Doomed #1-4 (2020) CompleteBill and Ted are Doomed #1-4 (2020) Complete
Bill and Ted are Doomed #1-4 (2020) Complete
English | CBR | 4 Issues | 128.47 MB

The official prequel series to the upcoming film! After defeating the evil dictator De Nomolos in Bogus Journey in 1995, things aren't looking as excellent as they should for either Bill and Ted or Wyld Stallyns. There's tension in the band and worry at home. Bill and Ted's obsessiveness with writing the one song to bring peace to the world is affecting their playing and their relationships with their families. The band is losing favor with fans and the future isn't shaping up as they were all led to believe it would from past (and future) events. Desperate for a solution Bill and Ted burst in to announce their great idea to revive the band's fortunes: A world tour to spread the love - and the rock, and the love of the rock - to the world.
Bill & Ted Are Doomed (2021)
English | CBR | 106 pages | 134.27 MB
Collects issues #1 - #4 of the series.


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