Legionnaires - Book 01 (2017)
Legionnaires - Book 01 (2017)
English | CBR | 383 pages | 433.54 MB

Rokk Krinn of Braal. Imra Ardeen of Titan. Garth Ranzz of Winath. Three teenagers who, despite being complete strangers from member worlds within the fledgling Federation of United Planets, pool together their unique powers and abilities to thwart an assassination attempt against R.J. Brande, one of the cosmos' wealthiest sentients. Seeing an opportunity to reshape the 30th Century and truly unify the struggling United Planets, a grateful Brande encourages his young rescuers to form the core of an interplanetary protection force-a group of young de-facto ambassadors from U.P. home worlds...
... A legion of superheroes.
Realizing Brande's vision won't be easy. The newly christened Legion is beset by an interfering U.P. government and uncooperative law enforcement, faced with growing cultural bigotry and xenophobia, and opposed by powerful enemies who represent grave threats to the galaxy.
So begins the adolescent adventures of the 30th Century's greatest heroes, written by the critically acclaimed Mark Waid (THE FLASH), Tom McCraw (AQUAMAN) and Tom Peyer (BATMAN '66), and masterfully illustrated by Lee Moder (STARS AND S.T.R.I.P.E.), Jeffrey Moy (STAR TREK/LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES) and many others. Collects LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES #0, #62-68, and LEGIONNAIRES (1993-2000) #0, #19-24 with an introduction by Mark Waid himself!

Captain America v01 - Winter in America (2019)
Captain America v01 - Winter in America (2019)
English | CBR | 154 pages | 212.10 MB

Collects Captain America (2018) #1-6 and material from Free Comic Book Day 2018 (Avengers/Captain America).
It's winter in America! For more than 70 years, Captain America has stood in stalwart defense of our country and its people. But in the aftermath of Hydra's takeover of the nation, Cap is a figure of controversy, carrying a tarnished shield - and a new enemy is rising! Distrusted by a nation that seems to have lost faith in him, and facing threats including the Taskmaster and an army of Nuke super-soldiers, Steve Rogers is a man out of time - and out of options! Where can Captain America turn for help stopping the influence-broker cabal known as the Power Elite? And which surprising villain is pulling the group's strings? Join acclaimed BLACK PANTHER scribe Ta-Nehisi Coates for the next chapter of Captain America's life!

Captain America and the Korvac Saga (2011)
Captain America and the Korvac Saga (2011)
English | CBR | 112 pages | 161.87 MB

Collects Captain America & The Korvac Saga (2010) #1-4, Avengers (1963) #167.
Captain America: proud member of the Avengers, but a man out of time - frozen for decades and unaccustomed to modern life. Can the Sentinel of Liberty learn to fight alongside heroes 60 years younger than him? And why does Cap feel a strange connection to the man named Korvac? Ben McCool (Choker) brings you an epic tale ten centuries in the making!

Captain America (Book 02) by Mark Waid - Promised Land (2018)
Captain America (Book 02) by Mark Waid - Promised Land (2018)
English | CBR | 110 pages | 163.52 MB

Collects Captain America (2017-2018) #701-704.
The year is 2314, and the grandson of Steve Rogers lives in the utopian America of which his ancestor dreamed. The legacy of Captain America has been realized - but something sinister lies beneath the surface! A family quest leads Jack Rogers into the bowels of the Earth, far from the idyllic surface - and a meeting with the descendant of another notable Marvel hero! Jack is a wanted man on a desperate search for a cure to his own son's fatal disease - and once it's found, a legend will be reborn! But will the arrival of America's greatest champion be enough to reset the course of history? It's a very special look into the tomorrow of Captain America!

Captain America (Book 01) by Waid & Samnee - Home of the Brave (2018)
Captain America (Book 01) by Waid & Samnee - Home of the Brave (2018)
English | CBR | 151 pages | 219.53 MB

Collects Captain America (2017-2018) #695-700.
Mark Waid and Chris Samnee, the team supreme who transformed the world of Daredevil and wove a cinematic spy thriller starring Black Widow, reunite to work their magic on the greatest hero of all: Captain America! Steve Rogers is back in shield-slinging action and on a journey across the nation he loves to restore his tarnished reputation. But the dangers he encounters require more courage than ever! And when he faces the all-new Swordsman, strap yourselves in for a sword-vs.-shield duel unlike anything you've ever seen! Then, in the far future, Cap faces his worst nightmare as a man out of time once again! To save his country, he must adopt his strangest role yet! Be there as America's living legend is reimagined through the eyes of a pair of living legends!

States of Mind (2019)
States of Mind (2019)
English | CBR | 111 pages | 124.15 MB

A glimpse into the life of a vivacious young woman whose brilliant mind is caught in the ebbs and flows of her mental illness. PUBLICATION IN 1 VOLUME - COMPLETED WORK. The true story of a spirited young woman whose brilliant mind is caught in the grip of mental illness, known as bipolar disorder. In constant flux between transient euphoria and utter despair, Camille attempts to decode her mind and treat her illness. However, she discovers that the will of the patient is not always enough to cure the ills of the mind, and the only way she can find a semblance of peace is when surrounded and supported... if not understood. It is this compassion which allows her to stay anchored in life, a buoy ebbing and flowing with the ocean. STATES OF MIND's strength is in its unabashed and unapologetic account of the destruction and desolation that the disorder causes, but more importantly, the beautiful humanity and compassion that blossom in its wake.

Colored. The Unsung Life of Claudette Colvin (2019)
Colored. The Unsung Life of Claudette Colvin (2019)
English | CBR | 136 pages | 62.40 MB

A few months before Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on a segregated bus in Montgomery, Alabama, kicking off the U.S. civil rights movement, making headlines around he world and becoming an enduring symbol of the fight for dignity and equality, another young black woman refused to give up her seat on a segregated bus in Montgomery, Alabama. She was the wrong person at the right time, and so History did not choose her. Her name was Claudette Colvin and this is her story.

Rick and Morty Presents v01 (2019)
Rick and Morty Presents v01 (2019)
English | CBR | 132 pages | 241.08 MB

Series of trade paperbacks collecting the Rick and Morty Presents one shots.
Learn the secret stories and hidden pasts of your favorite Rick and Morty characters in Oni Press's Rick and Morty Presents! These four oversized comics, collected here for the first time, focus on fan-favorite characters and storylines, with writing and art from today's top talent!
Each story is illustrated by series artist CJ Cannon, with Nick Filardi, Sarah Stern, and Brittany Peer. From writer J. Torres (Teen Titans Go!, BroBrots), delve into the secret history of THE VINDICATORS! Writer Daniel Mallory Ortberg (co-founder of The Toast) tells the tale of Krombopulos Michael, the professional assassin who just loves killin'. Writer Magdalene Visaggio (Kim & Kim, Eternity Girl) wonders if it matters that Sleepy Gary's a mind-altering parasite, if it makes Jerry... happy? And writer Delilah S. Dawson reimagines the Emmy award-winning episode "Pickle Rick."

Marvel Comics - Week 341 (May 29, 2019)
Marvel Comics - Week 341 (May 29, 2019)
English | CBR | 21 Issues | 1.03 GB

Age Of X-Man X-Tremists #4 (of 5)
Amazing Spider-Man #22
Black Panther #12
Daredevil #6
Fantastic Four #10
Giant-Man #2 (of 3)
Immortal Hulk #18
Magnificent Ms. Marvel #3
Major X #4 (of 6)
Marvel Rising #3 (of 5)
Marvel's Spider-Man City At War #3 (of 6)
Star Wars The Original Marvel Years #108
Star Wars Vader Dark Visions #4 (of 5)
Superior Spider-Man #6
Thanos #2 (of 6)
Thor #13
War Of The Realms Spider-Man And The League Of Realms #2 (of 3)
War Of The Realms War Scrolls #2 (of 3)
Wolverine The Long Night Adaptation #5 (of 5)
X-23 #12
X-Men Grand Design X-Tinction #1 (of 2)
DC Comics - Week 403 (May 29, 2019)
DC Comics - Week 403 (May 29, 2019)
English | CBR | 9 Issues | 491.24 MB

Batman Last Knight On Earth #1 (of 3)
Catwoman Annual #1
DC Super Hero Girls - Weird Science 010 (2019)
Detective Comics Annual #2
Dog Days Of Summer #1
Doomsday Clock #10 (of 12)
Heroes In Crisis #9 (of 9)
Superman Leviathan Rising Special #1
Wild Storm #23

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