Mighty Morphin Power Rangers v01 - Rita Repulsa's Attitude Adjustment (2014)
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers v01 - Rita Repulsa's Attitude Adjustment (2014)
English | CBR | 65 pages | 90.64 MB

When an ancient stone idol comes to life and starts blasting everything in its path with a morphing ray, it looks like the world is in pretty deep trouble; but it's nothing compared to the havoc unleashed when Rita Repulsa gets her hands on it! The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers join the fray, but this new baddie has extra muscle from Squatt and the Putty Patrol. If the team doesn't get a little help of their own from a trusted friend, this latest mission may be their last!
Twenty years ago, the Power Rangers burst on the scene in an explosion of colorful combat, bizarre monsters, incredible robot battles, and Megazord-sized fun, spawning a global phenomenon and an ever-expanding storytelling universe. Papercutz is proud to present the long-awaited continuing adventures of the team that started it all!

King - Jungle Jim #1-4 (2015) CompleteKing - Jungle Jim #1-4 (2015) Complete
King - Jungle Jim #1-4 (2015) Complete
English | CBR | 4 Issues | 153.40 MB

An interlocking Jungle Jim cover by Darwyn Cooke (DC: The New Frontier, Catwoman), available in this special, rare ""Virgin Art"" edition that - when connected to Dynamite's Flash Gordon, Mandrake, Prince Valiant, and Phantom covers - reinforces the epic scope of the King event! In this issue, thrill to KING, full of RUSTIC WARS and BEASTIAL BLUSTER and UNFORGIVING TERRAIN and IMPOSSIBLE ORIGINS and ENIGMATIC ABILITIES and CREEPY DOMICILES and REALLY REALLY REALLY WEIRD MONKEYS!
The King Collection v01 (2016)
English | CBR | 472 pages | 832.32 MB
Collects: King - Flash Gordon #1-4 (2015), King - Mandrake the Magician #1-4 (2015), King - The Phantom #1-4 (2015), King - Jungle Jim #1-4 (2015), King - Prince Valiant 1-4 (2015).
Prez #1-4 (1973-1974) Complete
Prez #1-4 (1973-1974) Complete
English | CBR | 4 Issues | HD | 282.50 MB

An 18-year-old is elected President! Fighting corruption and pollution, how will this teen survive in Washington, D.C.?
Prez - The First Teen President (2016)
English | CBR | 219 pages | 372.19 MB

EI8HT #1-5 (2015) CompleteEI8HT #1-5 (2015) Complete
EI8HT #1-5 (2015) Complete
English | CBR | 5 Issues | 206.50 MB

Welcome to the Meld, an inhospitable dimension in time where Joshua, a chrononaut, finds himself trapped. With no memory or feedback from the team of scientists that sent him, he can't count on anything but his heart and a stranger's voice to guide him to his destiny.
EI8HT v01 - Outcast (2015)
English | CBR | 129 pages | 186.45 MB
This book collects issues #1-#5 of the thrilling time-traveling adventures created and beautifully rendered

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