Bad Medicine v01 - New Moon (2013)
Bad Medicine v01 - New Moon (2013)
English | CBR | 125 pages | 198.55 MB

Pulled out of exile from a dark corner of the world, renowned-surgeonturned-fringemedicine-- eccentric Doctor Randal Horne must return to New York City to investigate a tragic research lab accident that's left one man dead, and inexplicably headless. Now with the help of a distrusting NYPD detective and a team of doctors from the CDC, Horne must diagnose this and other seemingly unexplainable medical phenomenon in a world where the line between medical science and science fiction is blurry at best.
Bayou Arcana - Songs of Loss and Redemption (2012)
Bayou Arcana - Songs of Loss and Redemption (2012)
English | CBR | 130 pages | HD | 157.10 MB

There is a place deep down South where dreams come true and nightmares find flesh. A place where the oppressed discover freedom and the oppressor violent retribution.
The swamp is alive with many a lost soul's tale.
Bayou Arcana unlocks a universe steeped in Southern Gothic Romance and spattered with supernatural horror. Featuring 10 new stories by the hottest upcoming (male) writing and (female) art talent on offer.
Enter the Arcana if you dare...
CHAOS! - Highway To Hel Vol 1 TPB (2015)
CHAOS! - Highway To Hel Vol 1 TPB (2015)
English | CBR | 191 pages | 346.14 MB

Collects Chaos #1-6! The horror "heroes" of Chaos! Comics are back! The undead Evil Ernie, goddess Purgatori, vampire Chastity, and supernatural band of misfits known as The Omen have individually witnessed visions of the world's impending doom, and rush headlong into conflict. Some try desperately to avert the holocaust, out of altruism or self-interest, while others just want to raise some hell. So begins the return of the Chaos! universe on an epic scale, the resurrection of fan-favorite boogeymen and femme fatales amidst a violent, apocalyptic upheaval!
Chaos #1-6 + Specials (2014-2015) CompleteChaos #1-6 + Specials (2014-2015) Complete
Chaos #1-6 + Specials (2014-2015) Complete
English | CBR | 10 Issues | 842.25 MB

With Chaos 20th anniversary and Dynamite Entertainment's 10th anniversary in 2014, the horror-heroes of the Chaos! Universe return in an epic event! A shared vision of the Apocalypse sets the supernatural serial killer Evil Ernie, the blood goddess Purgatori, the vampire assassin Chastity and the outcast teen heroes of team known as The Chosen on a collision path with each other! As claws, blood and blades fly, only one outcome is assured: Total CHAOS!

X-Men Forever v1 (2001) + v2 (2009) + 2 (2010) Complete
X-Men Forever v1 (2001) + v2 (2009) + 2 (2010) Complete
English | CBR | 48 Issues | 2.08 GB

Attempting to heal the rift between man and mutantkind, Professor Xavier volunteers his X-Men to go on a mission to capture Magneto's sole remaining Acolyte, Fabien Cortez!
X-Men Forever 1-6 (2001)
X-Men Forever 1-24 Annual + Giant Size (2009-2010)
X-Men Forever 2 1-16 (2010-2011)

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