Captain Atom vol02 (2013)
Captain Atom vol02 (2013)
English | CBR | 160 pages | 230.43 MB

Charged by nuclear energy, possessing vast molecular powers, Captain Atom has the potential to be a literal god among men - a hero without limits.
This second volume delves into Nathanial Adams' life as Captain Atom and begins to answer many of the questions surrounding his origin: Why did Nathaniel Adam sign up for Megala's experiment? How did he become Captain Atom? Do his powers have any limits? Nate also struggles to relate to those around him as he searches for a way to regain his human form and also stop a catastrophic event that a future version of himself has come to warn him about. It's time to explore the past, present, and future of Captain Atom!
Collects issues #0, 7-12
Captain Atom vol01 (2012)
Captain Atom vol01 (2012)
English | CBR | 160 pages | 190.30 MB

As a part of DC Comics - The New 52 event of September 2011, comes Captain Atom in his own solo series!
Charged by nuclear energy, possessing vast molecular powers, Captain Atom has the potential to be a literal god among men - a hero without limits. He is taking his powers to new heights - saving people all across the world in the blink of an eye. But as he uses his abilities more and more, Captain Atom realizes that he may be losing control of his powers, becoming a more dangerous foe to the planet than anything he's ever faced! Don't miss start of a legend from writer J.T. Krul (GREEN ARROW, TEEN TITANS) and artist Freddie Williams II (JSA ALL-STARS)!
Los Muertos (2013)
Los Muertos (2013)
English | CBR | 54 pages | 51.27 MB

In the small border town of Los Muertos, sheriff's deputy Carlos Garza is growing increasingly frustrated as the police department does nothing to combat a local drug lord's reign of terror. Carmen, Carlos' girlfriend, pleads with him to take her far from the cursed town. Soon the wave of violence engulfs the young couple. In order to seek revenge, Carlos becomes a thing of supernatural justice, Fantasma, and brings a righteous rampage of death to his enemies. Will Carlos be able to return from the edge of darkness, or will he become one with it?

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