Super Sons of Tomorrow (2018)
Super Sons of Tomorrow (2018)
Super Sons of Tomorrow (2018)
English | CBR | 125 pages | 158.58 MB

Jonathan Kent isn't a Teen Titan. He's just a kid, and one of the most powerful beings on the planet. But what if he has the potential to hurt people without even meaning to?
That's exactly what Tim Drake says will happen. But this isn't the Tim Drake of today - this is the Batman of Tomorrow, and he's traveled through time to kill Superboy. He tells the Teen Titans that if he succeeds in killing Superboy, he will save the millions of people that Superboy will kill in the future.
The Teen Titans have split in half over how to handle Superboy and don't know whether to trust him or Drake. So, Superboy's closest friend, Damian Wayne - the current Robin and leader of the Teen Titans - has Jon on the run from Drake ... and from his own team.
Now, Earth's most powerful teenagers are fighting against each other, with one angry Kryptonian father caught in the middle. If the Teen Titans aren't careful, they just might cause the very catastrophe that Tim Drake traveled back in time to prevent!
Writers Peter J. Tomasi (Superman) and Patrick Gleason (Robin, Son of Batman) team with artist including Ed Benes (Justice League of America), Tyler Kirkham (Earth 2: World's End) and Ryan Benjamin (The Odyssey of The Amazons) for an epic crossover between Super Sons, Superman and Teen Titans, featuring the return of some familiar faces to the DC Universe! Collects Super Sons (2017) #11-12, Superman #37-38, Teen Titans #15.

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