The Adventures of Tintin v01- v24 (1930-1986)
The Adventures of Tintin v01- v24 (1930-1986)The Adventures of Tintin v01- v24 (1930-1986)
The Adventures of Tintin v01- v24 (1930-1986)
English | CBR | 25 Issues

The classic graphic novel. Bianca Castafiore, Thomson and Thompson are being imprisoned for allegedly attempting to overthrow General Tapioca's dictatorship. Tintin, Professor Calculus, and Captain Haddock set out to clear their friends' names.

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FileDD: The Adventures of Tintin 01 - In the Land of Soviets (1930) (2048px) (Minutemen-Syl3ntBob).cbz
FileDD: The Adventures of Tintin 03 - Tintin In America (1954) (2048px).cbz
FileDD: The Adventures of Tintin 04 - Cigars of the Pharaoh (1934) (2048px) (Re-Edit) (Minutemen-Syl3ntBob).cbz
FileDD: The Adventures of Tintin 05 - The Blue Lotus (1936) (2048px) (Minutemen-Syl3ntBob).cbz
FileDD: The Adventures of Tintin 06 - The Broken Ear (1937) (2048px) (Minutemen-Syl3ntBob).cbz
FileDD: The Adventures of Tintin 07 - The Black Island (1966) (2048px).cbz
FileDD: The Adventures of Tintin 08 - King Ottokars Sceptre (1937) (2048px) (Minutemen-Syl3ntBob).cbz
FileDD: The Adventures of Tintin 09 - The Crab with the Golden Claws (1941) (2048px) (Minutemen-Resin&Syl3ntBob).cbz
FileDD: The Adventures of Tintin 10 - The Shooting Star (1946) (2048px).cbz
FileDD: The Adventures of Tintin 11 - The Secret of the Unicorn (1943) (2048px) (Minutemen-Syl3ntBob).cbz
FileDD: The Adventures of Tintin 12 - Red Rackhams Treasure (1945) (2048px).cbz
FileDD: The Adventures of Tintin 13 - The Seven Crystal Balls (1948) (2048px) (Minutemen- Resin&Syl3ntBob).cbz
FileDD: The Adventures of Tintin 14 - Prisoners of the Sun (1949) (2048px) (Minutemen-Resin&Syl3ntBob).cbz
FileDD: The Adventures of Tintin 15 - Land of Black Gold (1950) (2048px) (Minutemen-Syl3ntBob).cbz
FileDD: The Adventures of Tintin 16 - Destination Moon (1953) (2048px) (Minutemen-Syl3ntBob).cbz
FileDD: The Adventures of Tintin 17 - Explorers on the Moon (1954) (2048px) (Minutemen-Syl3ntBob).cbz
FileDD: The Adventures of Tintin 18 - The Calculus Affair (1956) (2048px).cbz
FileDD: The Adventures of Tintin 19 - The Red Sea Sharks (1958) (2048px).cbz
FileDD: The Adventures of Tintin 20 - Tintin in Tibet (1960) (2048px) (Minutemen-Syl3ntBob).cbz
FileDD: The Adventures of Tintin 21 - The Castafiore Emerald (1963) (2048px).cbz
FileDD: The Adventures of Tintin 22 - Flight 714 (1968) (2048px).cbz
FileDD: The Adventures of Tintin 23 - Tintin and the Picaros (1976) (2048px) (Minutemen-Syl3ntDemons).cbz
FileDD: The Adventures of Tintin v01 - Tintin in the Land of the Soviets (1930) (B&W) (Moulinsart).cbr
FileDD: The Adventures of Tintin v01 - Tintin in the Land of the Soviets (1930) (Color) (Moulinsart).cbr
FileDD: The Adventures of Tintin v02 - Tintin in The Congo (1931) (Moulinsart).cbr
FileDD: The Adventures of Tintin v02 - Tintin in The Congo (2005, Color version) (Moulinsart).cbr
FileDD: The Adventures of Tintin v03 - Tintin in America (1932) (Moulinsart).cbr
FileDD: The Adventures of Tintin v04 - Cigars of the Pharaoh (1934) (Moulinsart).cbr
FileDD: The Adventures of Tintin v05 - The Blue Lotus (1936) (Moulinsart).cbr
FileDD: The Adventures of Tintin v06 - The Broken Ear (1937) (Moulinsart).cbr
FileDD: The Adventures of Tintin v07 - The Black Island (1938) (Moulinsart).cbr
FileDD: The Adventures of Tintin v08 - King Ottokars Sceptre (1939) (Moulinsart).cbr
FileDD: The Adventures of Tintin v09 - The Crab with the Golden Claws (1941) (Moulinsart).cbr
FileDD: The Adventures of Tintin v11 - The Secret of the Unicorn (1943) (Moulinsart).cbr
FileDD: The Adventures of Tintin v12 - Red Rackhams Treasure (1944) (Moulinsart).cbr
FileDD: The Adventures of Tintin v13 - The Seven Crystal Balls (1948) (Moulinsart).cbr
FileDD: The Adventures of Tintin v14 - Prisoners of the Sun (1949) (Moulinsart).cbr
FileDD: The Adventures of Tintin v15 - Land of Black Gold (1951) (Moulinsart).cbr
FileDD: The Adventures of Tintin v16 - Destination Moon (1954, 2018 edition) (digital) (Moulinsart).cbr
FileDD: The Adventures of Tintin v17 - Explorers on the Moon (1954) (Moulinsart).cbr
FileDD: The Adventures of Tintin v18 - The Calculus Affair (1956, 2018 edition) (digital) (Moulinsart).cbr
FileDD: The Adventures of Tintin v19 - The Red Sea Sharks (1958, 2018 edition) (digital) (Moulinsart).cbr
FileDD: The Adventures of Tintin v20 - Tintin in Tibet (1960, 2018 edition) (digital) (Moulinsart).cbr
FileDD: The Adventures of Tintin v21 - The Castafiore Emerald (1963) (Moulinsart).cbr
FileDD: The Adventures of Tintin v22 - Flight 714 to Sydney (1968) (Moulinsart).cbr
FileDD: Tintin - The Complete Companion (2001) (Moulinsart).cbz
FileDD: Tintins Last Adventure - Tintin And Alph-Art (1986) (2048px) (Minutemen-Syl3ntBob).cbz
FileDD: The Adventures of Tintin - Breaking Free (1989) (c2c) (phillywilly-Empire).cbr
FileDD: The Adventures of Tintin v10 - The Shooting Star (1946) (digital moulinsart).cbr
FileDD: The Adventures of Tintin v23 - Tintin and the Picaros (1976) (digital moulinsart).cbr
FileDD: The Adventures of Tintin v24 - Tintin and Alph-Art (1986) (digital moulinsart).cbr

Comments: 5 Print Back
Comment #1 (24 April 2020 01:28)
If you could add the remaining Moulinsart 2018 digital editions, I'd be highly appreciative.
DrBoom Info:
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Comment #2 (4 May 2020 02:16)
Rio Info:
» Registered: 9.06.2013 | Group: Members | Posts: 0 | Comments: 2931 | ICQ:   | Status: Currently Offline
Comment #3 (8 May 2020 23:23)
thanks for updating Tintin.
btw could these be found ?
The Adventures of Tintin 10 – The Shooting Star (1942) (Moulinsart).cbr
The Adventures of Tintin 23 – The Picaros (1976) (Moulinsart).cbz
Tintin – The Complete Companion (2001) (Moulinsart).cbz
MegaMarvel Info:
» Registered: 7.06.2015 | Group: Members | Posts: 0 | Comments: 503 | ICQ:   | Status: Currently Offline
Comment #4 (9 May 2020 08:50)
Only find Tintin – The Complete Companion (2001) (Moulinsart).cbz
Rio Info:
» Registered: 9.06.2013 | Group: Members | Posts: 0 | Comments: 2931 | ICQ:   | Status: Currently Offline
Comment #5 (10 May 2020 03:20)
thanks for looking!
MegaMarvel Info:
» Registered: 7.06.2015 | Group: Members | Posts: 0 | Comments: 503 | ICQ:   | Status: Currently Offline
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